Naming our boat was practically a full contact sport. We had lots of contenders and impassioned reasoning behind each name. The one thing we could agree upon was that it had to be special to us. We love seeing interesting, clever, humorous, and thought-provoking names on the boats that we pass each day. We also love meeting boaters, a very special breed indeed. We will post pictures of them here. If you see a boat name you like, send us a picture and we will add it here (if it passes our highly critical panel of judges)…

my sometimes nickname from Chris, as if I could ever be a “pain in the a**”

This man in Marblehead was originally from Norway, so of course we dinghied right up and had a lovely chat.

will you do the fandango?

I’m a sucker for appropriate font usage.

one of my favorite things

the boat from “Wicked Tuna” on the National Geographic channel

This means “A Thousand Thanks” in Norwegian. Jag tykker mycket om det! (I like it a lot!)

Our friend’s daughter’s name is “Erica Summer”. Get it?

The 1965 wood 46′ Chris Craft Catalina I lived on as a kid was called Charisma

they got a name for the winners in the world. i want a name when i lose…

love it

A fellow Harry Potter fan. Their boat is Fawkes and their cat’s name is Crookshanks.

The name of one of my family’s boats from growing up.

this boat name amused me as we searched for a better spot to anchor

My friend Stephanie is from Sparta, so I thought about her all day when I saw this boat in St. John.

that’s one cool boat

love this name

more kisses

Ice is the 32nd largest private power yacht in the world.

Phoenix 2 is the 37th largest private power yacht in the world.

Our friend Eddison’s boats.

Blue Water Divers BVI: where Bryson and Erica got their PADI SCUBA certification.

great song

The boat we had when I was born was Phase II
Good idea. You can find some interesting boat names on your journey.
My Carver was named when I bought it Almost Heaven
My last boat was called” Loco-motives” (my son loved trains when he was little.)
Ok, well I emailed you a photo of a boat that I took a photo of in Charleston, SC…but growing up, my friend’s Dad had a boat that he chartered out called “Up Oars” complete with the fish painted on the side of the boat telling all who looked – that, yes they were indeed “number 1″……
let’s see since 1983, we have, “Northwind”, “Charisma”, “Shenanigans”(my all time favorite),” Mr Mako” (an awful boat ),broke down everytime we went out “Southwind”, “Transition”, and our newest boat,the boat we have owned for a year now, still with no about BRU-KAT ??? Corney huh ???
A couple cool ship names: Atlantic Champagne, Atlantic Cognac (same company). Tugboat…Evening Tide.
Named my newly restored Cape Dory Typhoon “Zsakanaka.” Which means “Its all Good” in Shona, the language of Zimbabwe where we were missionaries. Not very clever, but I’d venture a guess that its unique.
I love it! I hope you have had the pleasure of hearing the song “All Good” by Girish. If not, look it up. It’s beautiful! Thanks for your addition to our list!