British Virgin Islands with the Armitages

Jost Van Dyke, British Virgin Islands, 2013

Jost Van Dyke, British Virgin Islands, 2013

April 9-17

Rounding the corner into Soper's Hole.  We have lost track of how often we have been here!

Rounding the corner into Soper’s Hole. We have lost track of how often we have been here!

We had an easy sail from St. Maarten to the BVI’s.  I think.  Really, it was so long ago, who can remember?  Our log book just says, “1315: Arrive Soper’s Hole  E to customs.”  We were excited to see our friends, Dave and Lana, who were on their way from Newport, Rhode Island.  We arrived from our 110 mile, 15 ½ hour passage with 4 hours to spare!

Lana and the boys arrive safe and sound.

Lana and the boys arrive safe and sound.

I ran into the customs dock to pick up Lana, Dave, and their two boys, Liam and Calan, but their luggage hit a snafu and was on its way to Tortola.  Not the best way to start your vacation!  Dave went off in a taxi to intercept the luggage from the dock in Tortola before it decided to head back to St. Thomas!  As you can see, the boys did not let this mishap dampen their excitement!


February 2011: Our first trip to the British Virgin Islands. Reese, 7, Bryson, 9, and Porter, 4.

February 2011: Our first trip to the British Virgin Islands. Reese, 7, Bryson, 9, and Porter, 4. I can’t believe we started this website just a month after this picture was taken!

If you have been following the journey of the conwaysailors since the beginning, you know that our inspiration to take this trip began with a one week cruise in the BVI’s aboard s/v Xanadu, with our friends Bryson and Cindy (who also happen to be from the Newport area).  Dave and Lana had just purchased their very own Beneteau 473 (the same model as Patronus) and are at the very beginning of their family’s cruising experience.  We were excited about the prospect of the BVIs instilling a deep love of Caribbean cruising in them as well.  Who knows?  Maybe they might decide someday to take a voyage of their own?

That said, this IS our third trip to the BVIs.  And if you have been with us since the beginning, you already know about the Soggy Dollar, Painkillers, the Baths, and that Treasure Island was inspired by Norman Island.  You also know that the unbelievable gorgeousity of this magnificent locale keeps my finger on the shutter button.  So I will allow the pictures to tell you a thousand stories…

Following the Armitage charter boat to Jost Van Dyke.

Following the Armitage charter boat to Jost Van Dyke.

Reese takes the wheel.

Reese takes the wheel.

and promptly goes back to her book!

and promptly goes back to her book!

Daddy and Porter roughhousing time.

Daddy and Porter roughhousing time.

Dave and Lana shaking down their charter boat.

Dave and Lana shaking down their charter boat.

Patronus in the lead.  Just kidding.  Sort of.  Dave and Chris were "racing" all week!

Patronus in the lead. Just kidding. Sort of. Dave and Chris were “racing” all week!

Can you tell that Dave is a racer?

Can you tell that Dave is a racer?


It is safe to say, "We have arrived."  Home of the Painkiller.  Our Mecca of sorts.

It is safe to say, “We have arrived.” Home of the Painkiller. Our Mecca of sorts.

More please....  Those beach chairs aren't going to hold themselves down.

More please…. Those beach chairs aren’t going to hold themselves down.

Our traditional Painkillers on the dinghy photo

Our traditional Painkillers on the dinghy photo


Porter sidles up to the bar to buy a drink with his "soggy" dollar.  He is so cute with his forehead injury that he gets a sympathy drink on the house.

Porter sidles up to the bar to buy a drink with his “soggy” dollar. He is so cute with his forehead injury that he gets a sympathy drink on the house.

Reese thinks she's Karana from Island of the Blue Dolphins.  I'm telling you she could survive in the wilderness for a year!

Reese thinks she’s Karana from Island of the Blue Dolphins. I’m telling you she could survive in the wilderness for a year!

Hey coral!  You scratched my anchor!  No wonder it was so hard to pull up.

Hey coral! You scratched my anchor! No wonder it was so hard to pull up. (BTW, we WERE in the anchorage area!)

Chris captains our boat.

Chris captains our boat.


Sea Urchin on Jost Van Dyke

Sea Urchin on Jost Van Dyke

A pretty banyan tree in the harbor.

A pretty banyan tree in the harbor.

Porter enjoying The Bubbles

Porter enjoying The Bubbles

Lana, too!

Lana, too!

Bryson and Calan enjoying The Bubbles

Bryson and Calan enjoying The Bubbles

Everyone waiting for the next big wave to come crashing through.

Everyone waiting for the next big wave to come crashing through.

Porter is so happy he can finally get his forehead wet again.

Porter is so happy he can finally get his forehead wet again.

Lana and Reese swimming at The Bubbles.

Lana and Reese swimming at The Bubbles.

Hanging our hats on the trees so they don't get sandy while we swim...

Hanging our hats on the trees so they don’t get sandy while we swim…

Lana tries paddleboarding.

Lana tries paddleboarding.

and the kids turn paddleboarding into a full contact sport!

and the kids turn paddleboarding into a full contact sport!


Bryson and Calan getting some foredeck time.

Bryson and Calan getting some foredeck time.

Chris impresses everyone with his manly machete skills.  Then I ask politely if he could please step away from the inflatable dinghy...

Chris impresses everyone with his manly machete skills. Then I ask politely if he could please step away from the inflatable dinghy…

We bump into our friends from s/v Cascadura on Guana Island.  The Island of the Blue Dolphin girls make a canoe, complete with storage and provisions!

We bump into our friends from s/v Cascadura on Guana Island. The Island of the Blue Dolphin girls make a canoe, complete with storage and provisions!

Porter weighs anchor.

Porter weighs anchor.

Not to be outdone by a 6 year old, Lana figures out the whole anchoring process over on the charter boat.

Not to be outdone by a 6 year old, Lana figures out the whole anchoring process over on the charter boat.

This is Guana Island.

This is Guana Island.

This is what Guana Island does to me.  So happy!  every time.

This is what Guana Island does to me. So happy! every time.

The whirlwind BVI circumnavigation tour continues with Jumbies at Leverick Bay!

The whirlwind BVI circumnavigation tour continues with Jumbies at Leverick Bay!

The kids barely stay awake after a long day of sun and surf.  Liam is sleeping on a chair at this point of the night!

The kids barely stay awake after a long day of sun and surf. Liam is sleeping on a chair at this point of the night!

The adults also manage to stay awake. Is that me in a sweater?!  I'm never cold!

The adults also manage to stay awake. Is that me in a sweater?! I’m never cold!


Trading crews to give the kids a chance to play together on the trips between islands.

Trading crews to give the kids a chance to play together on the trips between islands.



Lana enjoys taking the wheel.

Lana enjoys taking the wheel.


Karana is at it again, making shoes to protect the cut on her foot.

Karana is at it again, making shoes from a rock and some rope she found on the beach to protect the cut on her foot.

We sneak in a bit of schoolwork between all the fun with the Armitages.

We sneak in a bit of schoolwork between all the fun with the Armitages.

writing, writing, writing.

writing, writing, writing.

feeding the tarpon at Saba Rock.

feeding the tarpon at Saba Rock.

Bryson climbs the trees for coconuts at Saba Rock while we sit at the bar for happy hour.  Not your usual "resort" behavior. So proud!

Bryson climbs the trees for coconuts at Saba Rock while we sit at the bar for happy hour. Not your usual “resort” behavior. So proud!

Dave and Chris take the kids on a hike for a spectacular view of North Sound.

Dave and Chris take the kids on a hike for a spectacular view of North Sound.

The kids did a great job hiking in the heat.

The kids did a great job hiking in the heat.

Reese takes a moment away from all the boys and men to meditate amongst the beauty.

Reese takes a moment away from all the boys and men to meditate amongst the beauty.

The guys spy on Lana and I paddleboarding back to our boats after lounging on the beach.  I totally fell off mine right after this!

The guys spy on Lana and I paddleboarding back to our boats after lounging on the beach. I totally fell off mine right after this!

Reese reads on a hammock in the shade.

Reese reads on a hammock in the shade.

Chocolate shakes at Saba Rock!  We enjoy the sunset and lost track of the kids once again as they terrorize the tiny little island.

Chocolate shakes at Saba Rock! We enjoy the sunset and lost track of the kids once again as they terrorize the tiny little island.

Reese and Mommy.  Okay, now I see the resemblance!

Reese and Mommy. Okay, now I see the resemblance!

enjoying the beauty of North Sound from the tiny little beach on Saba Rock.

enjoying the beauty of North Sound from the tiny little beach on Saba Rock.

A late night munchie run to the Bitter End grocery store gives us a new high: $12 for potato chips.  I don't think so...

A late night munchie run to the Bitter End grocery store gives us a new high: $12 for potato chips. I don’t think so…

The week has given us perfect weather and island after island of fun adventures.  We arrived back at the kids’ favorite: The Baths.  If you have never been here, take a look at these natural rock formations.  If you have, you must agree with me that they should be one of the natural wonders of the earth!

By now, Porter can lead the way through the labyrinth.

By now, Porter can lead the way through the labyrinth.

The cave right on the beach is the first place we run to.

The cave right on the beach is the first place we run to.

The Armitage boys share our love of tiny little places.

The Armitage boys share our love of tiny little places.

Reese the Mermaid.

Reese the Mermaid.

Liam, Lana, Calan, and Dave

Liam, Lana, Calan, and Dave


Porter thinks this rock looks like a whale coming out of the water.  Now I can't see anything else!

Porter thinks this rock looks like a whale coming out of the water. Now I can’t see anything else!

this kid will meditate anywhere!

this kid will meditate anywhere!

Lana and the rest of the crew negotiate the steep steps into the cavern.

Lana and the rest of the crew negotiate the steep steps into the cavern.



One of my favorite spots in The Baths.

One of my favorite spots in The Baths.

someone thought this looks like a skeleton.

someone thought this looks like a skeleton. creepy.

Our two families enjoying the day together.

Our two families enjoying the day together.



We all make cairns on a quiet, ocean side beach.

We all make cairns on a quiet, ocean side beach.

Reese and her sea fan.

Reese and her sea fan.

contender for favorite picture of the year...

contender for favorite picture of the year…

but then there's this little guy.

but then there’s this little guy.

Lana, Dave, and a whole mess of kids sailing for Norman Island as the day wanes.

Lana, Dave, and a whole mess of kids sailing for Norman Island as the day wanes.

everyone helps out as we moor for the night at Norman Island.

everyone helps out as we moor for the night at Norman Island.

Liam loves tubing with Chris

Liam loves tubing with Chris




Oh, what's that I see?  Is it my favorite palm tree on Norman Island?  Waving gently over my head as I read my book?  Top 3 place to read a book in the Caribbean.  Right here.

Oh, what’s that I see? Is it my favorite palm tree on Norman Island? Waving gently over my head as I read my book?

Top 3 place to read a book in the Caribbean. Right here.

One of the Top 3 places to read a book in the Caribbean. Right here.

No Willy T's for us responsible parents, but we are obviously having a pretty good time anyway!

No Willy T’s for us responsible parents, but we are obviously having a pretty good time anyway on our last night together! Nice shirt, Dave.

It's our last day together.  Reese interviews Dave for a school project.

It’s our last day together. Reese interviews Dave for a school project.

Friends since 1996.  5 kids, 300 ceasar salads, and many nautical miles later, we still can't get enough of each other.

Friends since 1996….. 5 kids, 300 ceasar salads, and many nautical miles later, we still can’t get enough of each other.

Waving goodbye to the Armitages, who are waiting at the ferry dock.

Waving goodbye to the Armitages, who are waiting at the ferry dock.


The Bubbles, Jost Van Dyke, 2013

The Bubbles, Jost Van Dyke, 2013




3 thoughts on “British Virgin Islands with the Armitages

  1. Loved all these pictures. My favorite was the one of Reese meditating while the boys were hiking. It almost looked like a painting.

  2. Love The Baths! It is on my list of places to visit. Tell Porter that I also think that rock looks like a whale! See you soon. Please visit me!

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