OK, I know many of you are thinking – how could you let Erica Blog about your Mess! Even down to the junk drawer that contained coupons, fish food and water bottles. I know Erica wrote her blog and helped me from under my mess – out of love – for me and my family. And for goodness sake, if you could have only seen the sheer JOY in her whole being while walking intently with purpose during the organizing …..you would have let her do it too! How could I not give her that pleasure – and in turn the results of the exercise has given me great pleasure! Heck, isn’t that what friends are for?
Now we are (or should I say “I” am) not a Hoarder, like you see on the cable networks, but it’s more like having a collection of clutter without signs of reversing. Just keeping things for reasons – that after you discuss them OUT LOUD with someone – seem ridiculous!
“Everything that you will someday live, in terms of life experience — and by some day, we mean as soon as right now, tomorrow, the next day, or someday — anything that you will someday live, you have first imagined. Because nothing will manifest in your experience without the imagination process happening first”. — Abraham Hicks Publications
Erica’s ability to keep her heart open and create moments of true intent is amazing. I have been meaning to do this type of Purge for over a year, and was aware it needed to be done for over 7 years. What took so long, now that is a loaded question, you name it I had an excuse:
- I had small children
- my husband travels a lot during the year
- I had no time to spare
- I (over) volunteered at the kids schools and sports activities
- I would rather workout
- I was scared to face the crippling inability to get out from under
- what if I needed something that I got rid of
Then here comes Erica and in a matter of a few days my house has unloaded about half its weight in stuff. That is right just STUFF – stuff I did not need and do not miss. Now in the 15 years we have been married my husband David (who came here from New Zealand) occasionally jests that – “All I came to this country with was a duffle bag and a bike and now look at all this STUFF”. There is that word again, stuff.
Stuff is defined as [stuhf] noun: material of some unspecified kind. Unspecified kind…that is exactly right. Unspecified. This word does not belong if you are to walk intently with purpose. ‘Unspecified’ does not work in Erica’s world of organization. Everything has a specific purpose and a specific PLACE! Which in my case – this stuff kept me walking around in circles for years because ‘stuff’ does not have a specific place to go! Erica came to my rescue by teaching me about creating specific intentions and in the case of purging, cleaning and organizing – keeping only the things that bring joy and beauty to your life. This lesson she has taught us in such a short time! I am in awe and am extremely grateful!
During her unending commitment to get us out from under I noticed Erica’s amazing conviction and her ability to give her undivided attention to the task. She was One on One with me with no other distraction (even though I may have been distracted). This is how Erica gave of herself to me especially during the clothes portion of the house purge. I ask, when was the last time you had someone sit with you for over 4 hours, giving you their undivided attention; no music, no television, no games, just the two of you in a room breaking down barriers, making connections and living in your truth.
She gave calm, considerate intentions to help me peel away layers formed by years of neglecting my own desires and self worth. She helped rediscover the person I had within simply by asking me which clothes made me feel gorgeous! I told her my closet would be empty! But she urged me to only keep the clothes and ONLY shop for clothes that made me feel Fabulous and Gorgeous! And to not keep any other kind in the house. Now that this is the new mind set….I actually went clothes shopping for myself, by myself! (if you knew me, you would know how much I hate shopping! All my clothes are hand me downs from my sisters or gifts from people) But with this new mindset I actually enjoyed the experience and found a great outfit that made me feel young, happy and Fabulous!
I cannot explain the emotion evoked in those few hours spent one on one with Erica, let alone the days they have shared with us during the first portion of their year long journey. Just having this opportunity to spend many moments with Chris and Erica in the first 2 months of their trip makes us one lucky couple… and making those moments count is priceless. THANK YOU!
Well, the FREEDOM from the mental burden of holding onto unused, retired, old, outdated things is remarkably amazing. The burden has been lifted. The reasons for holding onto to these things, GONE! My brain has more room because I no longer have to think about this stuff. I am not pressuring my consciousness about WHEN am I going to get rid of this stuff, it is already GONE! I no longer:
- waste time obsessing about the amount of stuff
- waste time worrying about when to get rid of it
- waste time planning where to put it
- waste time figuring out a plan to get rid of it
- waste time wondering when I am going to use this stuff again
- waste time thinking how much better my house would be without the stuff
IT’s GONE! DONE! I feel amazing.
I know we still have a few closets to hit and the garage – but I know how to tackle these areas now, how to categorize and of course Label areas. I think the best birthday gift I could have given David this ‘year of the Purge’…was a label maker! (kind of a joint gift don’t ya think). This little device is very motivating and has now become a symbol that will help us carry on the positive effects of the Conway visit.
David has cleaned out his workshop of the clutter, cleared out over 13 pairs of khaki pants and 30+ shirts, has made many trips to the dump and to Big Brothers Big Sisters Donation center and keeps the spirit of the purge in the forefront.
I can tell by the look on his face just how happy he is which has also led to a closer personal relationship. This result was not expected, but is very welcome by both of us! We have gained back a form of communication that trailed off over the years because we were trying to be nice by not addressing a real source of stress: The STUFF. We have reconnected in ways that would take 5 other blogs to reveal – but just know clearing the house of clutter has opened a pathway that allows us to just be and connect. We are looking toward continuing on this path of only bringing things into our lives that enhance our home, our lives, our humor and of course our relationship – between ourselves and others! Our intention is clear, strong and BEAUTIFUL!